Your hand in wellness.....
Linking you to the preservation of health and optimal function across your lifetime.
Linking you to the preservation of health and optimal function across your lifetime.
I believe that true health comes from within. It is vital to nurture this process with three things; a healthy diet, exercise, and chiropractic.
Chiropractic is an ever-changing field with new techniques and devices being added all of the time. I promise to not waste your time and money with wasteful tests and procedures that do not work. I only utilize time tested techniques that are backed by research, and actually work.
At Van Wagner Chiropractic, we promise to treat you like family. When you choose us you are also getting the family treatment. From friendly smiling staff at the front desk to the personalized treatment you get from the doctor, your covered.
With us, chiropractic is not just a method to get you out of pain. While most patients find us because they are in pain, chiropractic is a lifestyle as well. We hope you realize the numerous benenfits of chiropractic and make it part of your wellness regimen. Just like exercising and eating well, you have to make it part of your regular life to get the most out of it.
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We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
7AM-1PM and 3PM-6PM
Tuesday, Thursday
7AM - 1PM
Saturday: 9AM-12PM